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  • Wednesday, May 18, 2005

    History Mains Paper II



    1. Establishment of British rule in India: Factors behind British success against Indian powers-Mysore, Maratha Con federacy and the Punjab as major powers in resistance; Policy of subsidiary Alliance and Doctrine of Lapse.
    2. Colonial Economy : Tribute system. Drain of wealth and "deindustrialisation", Fiscal pressures and revenue settlements (Zamindari, Ryotwari and Mahalwari settlements); Structure of the British raj up to 1857 (including the Acts of 1773 and 1784 and administrative organisation).
    3. Resistance to colonia rule : Early uprisings; Causes, nature and impact of the Revolt of 1857; Reorganisation of the Raj, 1858 and after.
    4. Socio-cultural impact of colonial rule: Official social reform measures (1828-57); Orientalist-Anglicist controversy; coming of English education and the press; Christian missionary activities;Bengal Renaissance; Social and religious reform movements in Bengal and other areas; Women as focus of social reform.
    5. Economy 1858-1914: Railways; Commercialisation of Indian agriculture; Growth of landless labourers and rural indebtedness; Famines; India as market for British industry; Customs removal, exchange and countervailing excise; Limited growth of modern industry.
    6. Early Indian Nationalism: Social background; Formation of national associations; Peasant and tribal uprising during the early nationalist era; Foundation of the Indian National Congress; The Moderate phase of the Congress; Growth of Extremism; The Indian Council Act of 1909; Home Rule Movement; The Government of India Act of 1919.
    7. Inter-War economy of India: Industries and problem of Protection; Agricultural distress; the Great Depression; Ottawa agreements and Discriminatory Protection; the growth of trade unions; The Kisan Movement; The economic programme of the Congress' Karachi resolution, 1931.
    8. Nationalism under Gandhi's leadership: Gandhi's career, thought and methods of mass mobilisation; Rowlatt Satyagraha, Khilafat- Non Cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, 1940 Satyagraha and Quit India Movement; State People's Movement.
    9. Other strands of the National Movement:
    a) Revolutionary movements since 1905; (b) Constitutional politics; Swarajists, Liberals, Responsive Cooperation; (c) Ideas of Jawharlal Nehru, (d) The Left (Socialists and Communists); (e) Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army; (f) Communal strands: Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha; (g) Women in the National Movement.
    10. Literary and cultural lmovements: Tagore, Premchand, Subramanyam Bharati, Iqbal as examples only; New trends in art; Film industry; Writers' Organisations and Theatre Associations.
    11. Towards Freedom: The Act of 1935; Congress Ministries, 1937-1939; The Pakistan Movement; Post-1945 upsurge (RIN Mutiny, Telangana uprising etc.,); Consititutional negotiations and the Transfer of Power, 15 August 1947.
    12. First phase of Independence (1947-64): Facing the consequences of Partition; Gandhiji's murder; economic dislocation; Integration of States; The democratic constitution, 1950; Agrarian reforms; Building an industrial welfare state; Planning and industrialisation; Foreign policy of Non-alignment; Relations with neighbours.

    13. Enlightenment and Modern ideas
    1. Renaissance Background
    2. Major Ideas of Enlightenment: Kant, Rousseau
    3. Spread of Enlightenment outside Europe
    4. Rise of socialist ideas (to Marx)
    14. Origins of Modern Politics
    1. European States System
    2. American Revolution and the Constitution.
    3. French revolution and after math, 1789-1815.
    4. British Democratic Politics, 1815-1850; Parliamentary Reformers, Free Traders, chartists.
    15. Industriatization
    1. English Industrial Revolution: Causes and Impact on Society
    2. Industrialization in other countries: USA, Germany, Russia, Japan
    3. Socialist Industrialization: Soviet and Chinese.
    16. Nation-State System
    1. Rise of Nationalism in 19th century
    2. Nationalism : state-building in Germany and Italy
    3. Disintegration of Empires through the emergence of nationalities.
    17. Imperialism and Colonialism
    1. Colonial System (Exploitation of New World, Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Tribute from Asian Conquests)
    2. Types of Empire: of settlement and non-settlement: Latin America, South Africa, Indonesia, Australia.
    3. Imperialism and Free Trade: The New Imperialism
    18. Revolution and Counter-Revolution
    1. 19th Century European revolutions
    2. The Russian Revolution of 1917-1921
    3. Fascist Counter-Revolution, Italy and Germany.
    4. The Chinese Revolution of 1949
    19. World Wars
    1. 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars: Societal Implications
    2. World War I : Causes and Consequences
    3. World War II : Political Consequence
    20. Cold War
    1. Emergence of Two Blocs
    2. Integration of West Europe and US Strategy; Communist East Europe
    3. Emergence of Third World and Non-Alignment
    4. UN and Dispute Resolution
    21. Colonial Liberation
    1. Latin America-Bolivar
    2. Arab World-Egypt
    3. Africa-Apartheid to Democracy
    4. South-East Asia-Vietnam
    22. Decolonization and Underdevelopment
    1. Decolonization: Break up of colonial Empires: British, French, Duth
    2. Factors constraining Development : Latin America, Africa
    23. Unification of Europe
    1. Post War Foundations : NATO and European Community
    2. Consolidation and Expansion of European Community/European Union.
    24. Soviety Disintegration and the Unipolar World
    1. Factors in the collapse of Soviet communism and the Soviet Union, 1985-1991
    2. Political Changes in East Europe 1989-1992
    3. End of the Cold War and US Ascendancy in the World
    4. Globalization

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